6 Simples Steps to Properly Maintain Your Garage Door • Garex

How to

18 January 2021

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You have recently invested in a new garage door for your home, and its seamless and silent operation is a delightful melody to your ears. Indeed, it is frequently the small joys in life that bring us the most profound sense of satisfaction. We’d like to remind you that regular maintenance of your garage door is not only a straightforward task but also a prudent approach to ensuring the longevity of your investment and prolonging your enjoyment of this delightful addition to your home

Ensuring the proper maintenance of your garage door not only preserves its aesthetic appeal but also guarantees its smooth operation for many years to come. Conversely, neglecting its upkeep can lead to a host of issues, including rust, unpleasant noises, squeaking, and even potential accidents in more severe instances. Fortunately, these common pitfalls are easily avoidable by adhering to a few straightforward maintenance practices, which don’t necessarily demand costly products or the intervention of a professional.

Regardless of whether your garage door is brand new or has been a part of your home for years, it’s never too late to give it the attention it deserves. To assist you in this endeavor, we’ve compiled all the necessary information to guide you through the proper maintenance procedures for your garage door, starting today.

The Right Maintenance Products to Maintain Your Garage Door and Get The Results You Want 

Have confidence in achieving outstanding results by utilizing the Garex Maintenance Kit, meticulously designed to ensure you are applying the precise products for optimal care of your garage door. Included in this comprehensive kit are a specialized hardware lubricant, a weatherstripping lubricant, and a high-quality panel wax, all curated to maintain and enhance the performance and appearance of your garage door.

Maintaining The Hardware of Your Garage Door 

Ensuring the longevity and smooth operation of your garage door hinges on regular maintenance of all its moving components. It is recommended to lubricate these parts biannually for optimal performance. For this task, arm yourself with a can of the premium Garex garage door lubricant, and keep a piece of cardboard at the ready to neatly contain any potential splatter and maintain a clean work area.

1. Lubricate the hinges and rollers. 

The goal is to lubricate the swivel junction of the hinges to keep it working properly, as well as the spots where the rollers are inserted into the hinges.

2. Lubricate the tracks. 

For a smooth, quiet, and flawless operation, apply hardware lubricant on the inside of the tracks where the rollers circulate.

3. Lubricate the spring(s). 

To limit splatter, insert a piece of cardboard between the wall and the spring before spraying the lubricant on the entire surface of the spring(s). 

Lubricating the spring(s) reduces friction between the spindle rings and extends the service life of the spring(s).

Check the state of the hinges, rollers, bolts and track brackets. If you notice any irregularities, contact a garage door maintenance and installation specialist immediately.

Maintaining The Weatherstripping of The Frame And Between The Panels 

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your weatherstripping, we advise conducting a lubrication process approximately twice a year. For this task, you will require the specialized Garex weatherstripping lubricant. Additionally, please have on hand a small bucket filled with lukewarm water, a gentle soap, and either a sponge or a soft cloth for application. If you prefer, a shammy may also be used for its exceptional liquid absorption properties and its ability to clean your door effectively, all while leaving no residual marks. This comprehensive approach will guarantee that your weatherstripping remains in pristine condition, contributing to the overall efficiency and durability of your garage door system.

4. Clean and lubricate the weatherstripping. 

First, wash the weatherstripping with mild soap and dry it off with a soft cloth to protect its appearance and flexibility.

Then, use a silicone-based weatherstripping lubricant, like the one offered by Garex. Never use a petroleum-based lubricant. Apply the lubricant on the inner and outer surfaces of the weatherstripping. This step is necessary to maintain the flexibility of the PVC blades, thus limiting air infiltrations.

lubricates weatherstrip garex

Perimeter weatherstripping plays a crucial role in plugging leaks in your garage door. Beyond preventing air and humidity from coming in both in winter and summer, perimeter weatherstripping blocks the passage of dust, insects and nasty rodents.

For more information on how to maintain and replace them if necessary, check out our article Demystifying perimeter weatherstripping: how to choose, maintain and replace it.

Maintaining The Surface of Your Garage Door 

Finally, we recommend that you clean the surface of your garage door at least once a year. You will need a can of Garex garage door wax along with a small bucket, lukewarm water, mild soap, a sponge or soft cloth, and, if you like, a shammy to wipe down the surface of your garage door.

5. Wash and dry the surface of your garage door. 

Clean the surface of the garage door with lukewarm water and mild soap using a sponge or soft cloth. Avoid using strong cleaning products that could damage the paint.

wash door garex

Dry the surface of the door with a shammy or allow it to air dry.

dry door garex

6. Coat your garage door with Garex wax. 

Applying a coat of Garex wax on the surface of your door will keep it clean longer and protect the corrections made to the varnish if that is the case. In addition, a coat of wax will give a beautiful glossy shine to your door and help protect the paint from UV rays, which tend to tarnish it.

Spray the Garex wax about 10 to 15 cm from your garage door surface.

Use a soft cloth to spread the wax and shine your garage door.


Congratulations! Your door is now ready for the next season! All of its components have been maintained to ensure the optimal operation of your garage door.

However, we have a few more tips for you, like making sure to verify your garage operator on a quarterly basis. A garage door must be perfectly balanced. If it is unbalanced or struggles to open, never try to adjust the springs, the bottom hinges or the lifting cables yourself for your own safety. Instead, ask a qualified Garex garage door installer for his professional opinion.

Also, be sure to check the various safety detectors. A garage door must automatically reverse in its tracks if an object or a person is in its path. If you notice any anomalies, immediately contact a garage door installation specialist.

Lastly, although we have provided a simple method to maintain your garage door, you may also hire a qualified installer to do an annual checkup of your garage door. Do not hesitate to call one of our experts at Garex to guide you to an installer near you.

Request a quote online!

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